Sunday, June 27, 2010

Volleyball and the Rodeo!

Jake came and picked me up and said we are going to this girls house to eat some pig. They just roasted this big pig. Thats kinda weird but it was sooo good! They put some really good sauce on it. It just had a really good flavor. Then we started playing volleyball. Jake and I won of course. Then we headed off to the rodeo! We got in for free because Jakes family was part of the rodeo!! At the beginning of the rodeo there was sky divers! It was so cool because we just watched them jump out of the plane and just land right in front of us! The rodeo was very fun and cool! I love rodeos!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hot Springs

I tagged along with Haley and all of her friends to the hot springs! It was super fun but so crazy! We kinda got lost on the way there but we just followed the smell of rotten eggs. The trail was about 2 and a half miles long so it took a while to get up there but of course Haley and I were in the lead! Once we got to the springs we jumped right in! It would randomly get very very hot but it was sooo cool! On the way back down it seemed like it took hours. We walked all the way down the trail in pitch black. It was kinda hard. I was wearing flip flops which wasn't a very good idea. When we got to the bottom to the car we were really scared because we thought we were going to run out of gas. Because one the way to the canyon the gas light went on. But we made it home safe! :)


Christy and I play everyday! :) We like to pretend that we can skim board. We just always have a great time. We talk about everything all night long! I never get bored with her! I love her alot.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Brad Deployed

My brother Brad just got deployed to... you will never know. Anyway.. it was very sad. Watching all of the other families cry because their father, mother, husband or wife left made me cry. It was a very cool experience because they have really good get togethers to have the families say goodbye. We got to watch the plane take off. There was the patriot guard also. They are very cool. They are a group of motorcycle riders that look all tough and stuff that go when one of the military die and block the families from protesters and they just help out alot. They were very cool. Over all it was a very sad night. Go Airforce!!! i love you brad.

Getting Started

I am Kayla. This is a blog of my life. That is all.