Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 1: A picture of yourself with 15 facts

1. i love being in love
2. i'm addicted to sushi
3. i am a mermaid
4. my sister haley is my bestest friend in the whole world!
5. i love jordan eric fry <3
6. school is not my favorite thing in the whole world
7. i work at cartridge world with my bsfe
8. i am more of a morning person than a night person. i get tired really early and all my friends get mad because they want me to stay awake with them
9. i ran a half marathon and i am running another one in october which i should be training for right now
10. i want a pet husky and i would name him jasper
11. i am very chill and relaxed i don't overreact or get mad at that many things
12. i don't think i could live without my phone
13. my bsfe and i are probably joining the airforce with my brother
14. being outside and camping is what i love most
15. i believe that everything happens for a reason


  1. I think I'm going to steal your idea and do the same little challenge thingy :)
    It looks fun :)
